Says immigration enforcement needed to stop country's 'blight'
(demasiado antiguo para responder)
2010-07-23 14:00:01 UTC
Danbury News Times -
The young Mexicans raise the Mexican flag above the American flag,
showing Mexico is their country not this country, welcome. ...

f. barnes
2010-07-23 17:10:58 UTC
Post by Jose
Danbury News Times -
The young Mexicans raise the Mexican flag above the American flag,
showing Mexico is their country not this country, welcome. ...
If you want to see what a typical US city will look like 40 years from
now then just go to Mexico City, be sure and check out the slums. If
you want to know what typical living conditions will be like in the US
40 years from now then go to Mexico and check it out. If you want to
know what typical wages and working conditions will be like in the US
40 years from now then look at wages and working conditions in

These predictions all hinge on this country not doing something rather
drastic about illegal immigration in the next few years. After that
it will be too late to prevent it from happening. Anyway, then it
will be too late to prevent it from happening without a massive amount
of bloodshed.
