Mexico puts its kids on a diet
(demasiado antiguo para responder)
2011-03-15 22:18:41 UTC
Mother Nature Network (blog) - ‎

According to data compiled by the Organization for Economic
Cooperation and Development, Mexico has the highest obesity rate for
an industrialized nation in the entire world. In Mexico, 30 percent of
the adult population is obese and 70 percent is overweight (compared
to 28 and 68 percent in the U.S.). Thirty-one percent of children in
Mexico are considered overweight.

So last year, Mexico's education administrators decided to set limits
on what could be sold in schools at recess. Mexican schools don't
provide lunch, but many do allow vendors to sell food to kids at
recess. According to Mexico's Education Minister, the new rules remove
90 percent of fried foods from these sales.

2011-03-15 23:18:16 UTC
En Cuba estan a dieta desde hace años. En Miami los gusanos dicen que los de
la isla estan pasando hambre


"Jose" <***@todito.com> wrote in message news:fc721c4c-61b3-4202-bc0c-***@22g2000prx.googlegroups.com...
Mother Nature Network (blog) - ?

According to data compiled by the Organization for Economic
Cooperation and Development, Mexico has the highest obesity rate for
an industrialized nation in the entire world. In Mexico, 30 percent of
the adult population is obese and 70 percent is overweight (compared
to 28 and 68 percent in the U.S.). Thirty-one percent of children in
Mexico are considered overweight.

So last year, Mexico's education administrators decided to set limits
on what could be sold in schools at recess. Mexican schools don't
provide lunch, but many do allow vendors to sell food to kids at
recess. According to Mexico's Education Minister, the new rules remove
90 percent of fried foods from these sales.

2011-03-15 23:28:54 UTC
Post by T***@gmail.com
En Cuba estan a dieta desde hace años.
Tienes razón viejo racista antisemita Teddy Schmidt.
pasan hambre.

Deja de perseguir a la gente marica de anormal que eres.

Vives en un mundo de fantasías (homo-eróticas y otras) porque no
puedes aceptar a realidad.
Estas luchando con tu homosexualidad reprimido y por eso siempre
proyectas tus fantasías a otros personas. Cuando vas a entender que te
exhibes como maricón, ridículas como tonto y rebajas como sucio
asqueroso con eso?
Todos sabemos que tienes un problema de autoestima viejo mamaguebo
Teddy Schmidt.
Suenas estar lo que no eres: inteligente, alemán, ario, respetado,
popular, ... pero sabes que la realidad no es así.
hasta a Teddy Schmidt no le gusta Teddy Schmidt.
Por eso vives en tu mundo de fantasías y atacas como un perro con
rabia con mentiras y insultos a los que te muestran que tu mundo
ilusorio es nada mas que eso.


Lo dice Teddy Schmidt sobre el mismo:
"Creo que tienes razón en llamarme pervertido e inmoral."


"Teddy Schmidt" aka "Herr SSchmidt", racista y antisemita aka "Señor
Pipí" o "la putica loca" sobre su credibilidad: (sus palabras)
- "En todo caso, es una mas de mis famosas mentiras. Son fáciles de
- "soy viejo y me gusta decir mentiras"
- "Y ya he dicho como cien veces que chequeen lo que digo, que no
siempre la verdad es lo que digo"
- "Tambien es bueno que recuerden que no soy un servicio informativo,
lo que digo a veces es mentira, por eso tienen que verificar."
- "Mentiroso soy a veces, pero es facil descubrirme"
- "Yo no conozco a nadie, confundo animales con gente y viceversa, así
que en ese punto no me tomes en serio.
- "Ya dije que digo mentiras"
- "Yo digo mentiras a menudo"
- "Recuerda que yo digo mentiras. Usa tu inteligencia.
- "No me creas, que me gusta decir mentiras."
- "Vayan y verifiquen. A veces digo mentiras."
- "No soy agencia informativa y me encanta decir mentiras."
2011-03-16 18:47:26 UTC
Post by Jose
Mother Nature Network (blog) - ‎
According to data compiled by the Organization for Economic
Cooperation and Development, Mexico has the highest obesity rate for
an industrialized nation in the entire world. In Mexico, 30 percent of
the adult population is obese and 70 percent is overweight (compared
to 28 and 68 percent in the U.S.). Thirty-one percent of children in
Mexico are considered overweight.
So last year, Mexico's education administrators decided to set limits
on what could be sold in schools at recess. Mexican schools don't
provide lunch, but many do allow vendors to sell food to kids at
recess. According to Mexico's Education Minister, the new rules remove
90 percent of fried foods from these sales.
The first cause is due to the hormone-treated meat.
The second cause is due to the manipulation of cereals and legumes.
Before (years 1950-1960), when hormones were not employed and not
manipulated the grain there was no fats.
"There are five worlds, but they are in this one"
The Third World is between the parallels 18 and 36 degrees
2011-03-16 21:37:13 UTC
Post by Espanuelo
The first cause is due to the hormone-treated meat.
The second cause is due to the manipulation of cereals and legumes.
Before (years 1950-1960), when hormones were not employed and not
manipulated the grain there was no fats.
Think of a fat person you've known since childhood and think how heavy
they were at school. They were fat weren't they?

Now do the same for a thin person. Do you see a pattern emerging?

Now check out their Mum or Dad. Usually (but not always) they will be of
a similar 'build'.

The truth about weight is that habits about eating, just like many other
characteristics of our personality are 'burned in' in the first few
years of life and stay with us forever.

The only cure for obesity is better parenting.
