Maná Encourages Audiences to Take A Stand Against Racism (VIDEO)
(demasiado antiguo para responder)
2011-07-19 16:18:45 UTC
Hispanically Speaking News -

we have to keep fighting those lousy damn racists.” Virginia is one of
several states that have passed a ...

2011-07-19 18:10:51 UTC
Post by Jose
Hispanically Speaking News -
we have to keep fighting those lousy damn racists.” Virginia is one of
several states that have passed a ...
I see, so being opposed to illegal immigration makes one a racist?
2011-07-19 18:55:13 UTC
Post by s***@msn.com
Post by Jose
Hispanically Speaking News -
we have to keep fighting those lousy damn racists.” Virginia is one of
several states that have passed a ...
I see, so being opposed to illegal immigration makes one a racist?
Only in White countries. That's why you don't see those champions of
open borders and the free flow of labor allowing Haitians to migrate
to Mexico, Cuba, Guatamala, or even Puerto Rico. It's OK for Mestizos
to "hate" Blacks but it's "racist" for whites to oppose their own
demographic replacement by invaders of color.
2011-07-19 21:37:03 UTC
Post by s***@msn.com
Post by Jose
Hispanically Speaking News -
we have to keep fighting those lousy damn racists.” Virginia is one of
several states that have passed a ...
I see, so being opposed to illegal immigration makes one a racist?
It's psychological warfare. Twisting logic through use of language is
an effective way to quiet the opposition.

The misnamed Homeland Security uses the same tactic by implying that
Americans are terrorists if they oppose government control.

Of course opposing Hispanic-looking illegal aliens doesn't make one a

When repeatedly attacked by those of one color, how intelligent is it to
ignore the obvious identifier and look elsewhere?
